What To Do With Bad Grades?

What to do with bad grades?

When the course ends, some do not receive the best news regarding their academic performance. Poor grades are a possibility every parent should contemplate.  How to deal with poor grades from your children? Should there be a punishment? Everything remains the same? Here we tell you how we can receive this information to avoid errors in homeschooling.

Receiving news that grades were not good can sometimes be surprising, but it is usually something that is suspected in advance. During the school year we can notice that there may be certain deficiencies, so there is still something that can be done. The important thing is that it is the result of a year of work, which we will probably have lost.

Every parent’s reaction is different, but almost no one takes it lightly. Is there an infallible recipe in these cases? Well no, we are all different. To begin with, it is necessary to understand that the reasons for low grades are diverse ; therefore, the main thing is to determine the causes of the problem. From now on, it is convenient to be patient and give priority to reasoning.

Why did my son get bad grades?


For some parents, bad grades are all those that are not perfect; however, some grade point averages can help achieve the same goals. If we want to find excellence, we may become less understanding when our children drop their grades, something that is not always easy for them to understand.

Experts recommend that the main thing is to stay calm and not make drama about it,  because to a large extent the pressure we have exerted on them makes them more likely to fail at the school level. It is common that we have seen deficiencies throughout the year, so there is no reason for greater surprise. On the contrary, by the time of final notes, we should have already discovered the cause.

If it was not the case and we were puzzled that there are bad grades, the next thing is to identify the causes of failure. In the same way, it is convenient to be reviewing the reason for the low grades that are presented during the course. Sometimes there may be learning difficulties, vision problems or maladjustment in the group ; however, some causes may be more difficult to treat.

A child who receives low grades could be suffering from bullying at school, perhaps problems at home are influencing this and often cases of demotivation, shyness and even school phobia appear. Sometimes the grades reflect economic or emotional difficulties at home, as the child has problems concentrating or being able to correctly fulfill assignments.

Either way, even though we can’t clearly see the cause, it is an opportune time to reflect on what we don’t know. It is common for parents to accuse their children of being lazy or careless, but this sometimes happens for some more serious cause; that is, perhaps the child is hiding something from us or we are not understanding it well enough.

Bad grades give us an important warning


For our child to get poor grades as a result of a more serious problem is an excellent opportunity to correct what is happening. In this sense, this situation becomes a symptom of some condition that we have not been observing carefully, therefore, it is convenient to see the positive side and take advantage of it to improve what is failing.

This notice works the same for parents and children, it allows us to evaluate our performance during the school year and warns them that they are losing track of their future. We can take the opportunity to give you a clear example of how our actions have visible consequences, something that gives you the opportunity to reflect on your progress.

It is possible to generate great changes without having to resort to punishment or cause worse damage through a wrong attitude; for this, specialists recommend applying measures such as the following.

  • Create a milestone for the child to organize and become aware of their responsibilities
  • Help him to channel his energy towards activities that favor his school performance, taking advantage of his moment of reflection on what happened
  • Avoid punishment and reward. Restricting the hours of play, to watch television or to use the computer, it is advisable during the period that they dedicate to study
  • Try to take consensual measures as a family so that the organization is collective
  • Let the rest of the family enjoy the summer as they deserve it, it is not necessary to punish them all. It is possible to make study commitments before planning, but it is not recommended to punish the entire group for the lack of one.
  • Let’s steer your satisfaction toward achievement, rather than offering performance rewards
  • Let’s acknowledge evolution and let him know that our love is above all

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