6 Benefits Of Playing With The Baby In Front Of The Mirror

6 benefits of playing with your baby in front of the mirror

Playing with your baby in front of the mirror will bring you many benefits. Far from the myth that putting him there delays his speech, the activities you do with him in front of a place where he can see and see you, will help him in his development. In this article we will talk to you about it.

Benefits of playing with the baby in front of the mirror

Helps you get to know your body

To help your child get to know his body, put him to play in front of a mirror in which he can see himself as a whole. The mirror is going to teach him about his body language and how he sees himself.

If at 8 months old it is still early to know that the image he sees is his own, as he grows up he gets used to seeing himself and relating the gestures and movements he makes with those he observes in “the other”, he realizes that it is his own reflection.


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When you place your little one to play in front of the mirror, you are helping him to be empathetic.

The child who looks at himself, smiles and finds a response to his joy, learns to feel empathy for others.

Supports your brain development

Whenever you can, accompany your child to play in front of the mirror. In addition to observing his image and interacting with it, the fact of seeing each other while you carry it, kiss it, caress it, gives you great satisfaction.

Although, we emphasize on it, being still a baby he will not be fully aware that it is about himself, seeing your gestures and the relationship you establish with him, the other mother who is just like you and the baby that she carries, they produce pleasant emotions.

All the positive stimuli that you give your child will help him in his brain development.

Helps you know your surroundings

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From a very young age, your child is attentive to everything that is and happens around him.

If you change any element within the room where it is, as if it were an expert in decoration, it will notice. His objective and hobby is that: to observe everything in order to learn from the environment that surrounds him.

A hanging mirror in the baby’s room will serve you well to reach with your eyes those places that are behind or at a different angle to the position you are in; or to reinforce the knowledge you already have of your space.

Your mirror image calms you, entertains you, and makes you feel safe

A child feels safe and secure when he is with another child.

Seeing the other infant smile, play, and kick excitedly, produces the same effect on him, calms him down and relaxes him.

The body movement and all the gestures made by the one who accompanies him entertains him greatly, even more than any doll.

If you want to achieve all these effects on your baby, place a mirror in his room or in any other space where you take him to play. You will see that the child who can see in the mirror fascinates him like nothing.

Psychomotor development in front of a mirror

Take advantage of the game in front of the mirror to strengthen their motor skills.

Throw a blanket on the floor, place the mirror against a wall, and at some distance, put your child.

If he is small, put him face down, so you will take advantage of this moment to strengthen his muscles, head control and harden him.

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In case your child sits down, put him in that position and leave toys in front of him. Make one of them closer to the mirror so that your child sees him and his image and is interested in grabbing both of them.

In this interest he will exercise his little body and will make an effort to crawl forward.

As you have seen, putting the baby to play in front of the mirror will bring him many benefits.

When you do, you just need to keep in mind that mirrors and babies do not match directly, so this element of decoration and beauty should be kept away from your child at all times.

Play and fun for the baby's development

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