Ways To Stimulate Baby’s Sense Of Hearing

The sense of hearing in babies is the most developed. To stimulate it, there are different techniques that parents can use on a daily basis. 
Ways to stimulate your baby's sense of hearing

Communication is the main tool that we have as individuals belonging to a society. And more for those who open their eyes to the world … For this reason, it is of fundamental importance to stimulate the baby’s sense of hearing. This sense allows us to perceive the sounds that are outside. Unlike sight, you can receive information and keep us connected regardless of the effort we make.

The ear in babies

In newborns, this is the most developed sense. And since they are in the fetus they are able to perceive sounds and absorb information. Later, at birth, they respond to sounds with slight movements of the head and eyes towards their origin.

For this reason, from the beginning, the baby will pay more attention to the sounds that he perceives from the outside world. And above all, to those sounds that are familiar, such as the sound of the mother’s voice. Likewise, babies are likely to be surprised by loud and surprising tones of voice.

It is important for the mother to constantly talk to her baby so that he can learn to communicate.

Ways to stimulate your baby’s sense of hearing

Now, the main link for communication with the baby is achieved by stimulating the baby’s sense of hearing. For this it is essential that parents constantly talk to their children. There are different ways to stimulate the baby’s sense of hearing. Always with the purpose that they begin to know the world and the peculiarities that color daily emotions.

Classical music during pregnancy

Music has positive effects for all ages. Also for the little ones. Among its benefits is achieving a state of tranquility and relaxation in the baby, which is nothing more than the externalization of their emotions in balance with reality. Therefore, listening to this type of music is of great importance to reduce the tension that can occur in babies, being of great help at bedtime.

Speak clearly and slowly

You should speak slowly, using clear pronunciation. With this, the baby becomes familiar with voices and helps him to acquire language skills. In this sense, you do not want to speak too quickly, it is better that you focus on your vocalization.

Reading also helps to stimulate the baby’s sense of hearing

The baby is fascinated by the sound of voices, even if he does not understand what is being said. However, stories, tales, or rhymes may begin to be read to you out loud, just listening to this will leave you engrossed. And even better if it is done with a cheerful tone when reading, serene and attractive.

Reading a story is one of the ways to stimulate your baby's sense of hearing.

Make sounds with objects

For a better understanding of the words, you can indicate the names of the different objects as you go on a walk. Either in a home tour or in a specific place of your liking. It is a very useful action to stimulate the baby’s sense of hearing.

A good example is wearing a watch and expressing onomatopoeic sounds like “ticking”. Or in the case of a pet, cat or dog “meow” or “woof”. Stimulating not only the baby’s sense of hearing, but also that of abstract thinking. Once the sound has been identified with the object that has been shown to him, he will be able to identify the sound of the presented object. Later, he  will look for the object with his eyes when he hears said sound without having to have it in front of him. The objective will have been achieved and you will already have it identified.

Babbling and grimacing to  stimulate the baby’s sense of hearing

Talking to the baby, making quite exaggerated grimaces and gestures makes it possible for him to more quickly relate the signifier to the signified. This increases if pitch changes are made to the voice. Many of these ways of stimulating the baby’s hearing allow the child to work and develop another sense simultaneously. These are multisensory activities that offer information about the environment.

It is important to consider that all these activities also allow detecting abnormalities in babies. This is of great importance, since treating hearing defects or problems at an early age will increase the chances of correcting them.

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