Basic Principles Of Competency-based Education

We are going to know the basic principles of a competency-based education.
Basic principles of competency-based education

The competency – based education is able to create people ready to face any challenge in the future. The fundamental objective of this education is to give each student the possibility of mastering the skills necessary to be a successful adult.

The students thus come to control concrete, tangible learning objectives. It is an educational model in which students have the individual support they need according to their individual learning needs. This education has some important principles.

Equity is the most important thing in competency-based education

Equality does not mean giving each student the same as everyone else. It means giving each student what they need to, in the end, achieve the same goal as the others.

This is a fundamental principle of competency-based education. It is about consciously seeking, understanding and eliminating possible school prejudices. Students are taught and supported based on their individual strengths and weaknesses.

Basic principles of competency-based education.

The anticipation of achievement based on culture, social class, family income, or language is completely eliminated in this type of education.

Set competencies

Competencies must be defined in advance and set as learning objectives for each student. What are these competencies based on? Rather than simply assessing the theoretical knowledge acquired, the competencies focus on a student’s practical understanding of the subject.

These competencies can be based on:

  • Understanding of the key concepts.
  • Ability to apply knowledge to specific important problems.
  • Mastery of relevant skills.

The input of all teaching staff is important in developing ideas about what knowledge and skills are necessary to determine mastery of a subject.

Transparency and accountability in competency-based education

Knowing the learning objectives that are set for the class (and the school as a whole) is essential. They must be presented clearly, both for students and parents.

In a competency-based education system, students know and understand these three things when they start a stage:

  • What they need to learn.
  • How skill is defined.
  • Way of evaluating your knowledge.

For example, consider a student who can understand that he needs to use his knowledge of mathematics and apply it to do a specific project, such as designing a small garden. You know you need to use math skills to measure the size of the area or determine how many plants will fit.

If the student clearly understands what they need to do to be proficient and advance in the class, they can have more control over their education. When you run into a problem on your project or find that you lack concrete knowledge to get it right, you know you need help.

Teachers assess growth and control of subjects

The evaluations carried out by teachers can be various. In competency-based teaching we find some specific types of assessment that are especially useful.

Basic principles of competency-based education.

Formative Assessments

These assessments help teachers determine where each student is in the learning process and adjust their teaching as necessary. They give teachers the ability to adapt in real time and identify key areas in which students need to improve.

Authentic Assessments

Having students take your knowledge and apply it to real-world situations is another great way to demonstrate mastery. In addition, students can develop skills that they will need in the future.

Authentic assessments may include the use of English skills to write an educational exchange request letter. We can also think of using a knowledge of physics to design and build a stable tower with a concrete material.

Ultimately, competency-based education helps students develop and demonstrate mastery over a subject. In addition, it  builds a culture of equity and inclusion, and prepares students for life beyond the walls of the classroom.

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