Educating Children In The Use Of The Internet

The Internet is essential in our day-to-day life, that is why children must be educated in its proper use by providing them with information and teaching them to use it responsibly.
Educate children in the use of the Internet

As the saying goes, the new generations no longer come with bread under their arms, but with an electronic device. Not so many years ago it was unthinkable to see a 10-year-old boy operating a tablet or mobile phone. Today, we wonder if at that age they still don’t have them.

Electronic devices, as well as the Internet, are used by millions of people throughout the day. There are many benefits, but there are also a number of dangers that put parents on alert. Educating children in the use of the Internet and setting limits is necessary from the first moment.

Digital natives

Nobody is surprised to see a child who at only 2 or 3 years old handles his parents’ mobile phone or tablet in his own way. These children are the so-called digital natives, those who from birth are connected to digital, since they were born in that era.

The internet, social media, and electronic devices are an incredibly eye-catching world. That is why it is necessary to know how to manage its use well in order to later be able to educate children in its use in the best possible way.

Information and responsibility

To learn to educate others, you must first learn yourself. For this reason,  parents should be the first to be informed of everything related to new technologies and their use.

Children know how to handle electronic devices from an early age.  Educating them in the use of the Internet is essential.

Second, and as we always say, you have to set an example. Do not pretend that your child does not spend 10 hours glued to the tablet when you are using the mobile all the time.

Third, make responsible use of the Internet. Continuing with the example, in the same way that they will do the same thing they see you do, they will also want to visit the same sites that you visit on the Internet. That is why, in  front of children, make responsible use of new technologies.

Parental control

One of the most important aspects to take into account when educating children in the use of the Internet is that they cannot be prohibited from using it. We are aware that in the digital age in which we live, if a child does not use social networks, does not watch videos on the Internet or does not consult information for a job, for example, they are totally out of society.

While it is true that prohibition is not good, it is good to agree on a series of limits and controls. The main thing is to establish between the two schedules for its use : the days of the week, the hours a day, etc.

In addition, if it is a small child, or you simply believe that it is not good for the child to see certain type of content, on tablets, mobile phones and in many applications there is a section called parental control that blocks offensive information or that children they should not visualize.

It is highly recommended to also establish spaces and times where the device can be used. For example, to educate children on the use of the Internet, it is good that during breakfast, lunch and dinner these devices are away from the table. Also if the child is doing homework or doing another activity such as reading, since they are totally distracting.

Educating children in the use of the Internet is paramount in this digital age.

Know the dangers

As new technologies are part of our day to day, unfortunately, the dangers they generate too, and this is one of the most important points to try when educating children in the use of the Internet.

Every day we hear about more cases of harassment on the net. The cyberbullying mainly affecting minors and the risks suffering can become very serious. For this reason,  we must explain to children the wonders of the Internet but also its risks. It should be made clear that they should not enter into conversation with anyone they do not know, or offer them information about any aspect of their life.

In addition, it is also important to explain to them the problems that an opinion or comment on a relevant current topic can bring. If we use real cases to explain all these dangers, children will be more aware of their importance.

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