Tips To Motivate Your Child At Mealtime

Tips to motivate your child when it comes to eating

Infant feeding evolves as your child grows, however, it is very important to learn to make mealtime a really enjoyable habit and avoid it becoming a problem.

That is why we must understand that from the moment in which the induction of solids in babies begins, an exploration period opens in which their taste for food will be determined and with it the acceptance or rejection of some foods according to them. go offering.

Although this is a very important topic for all parents, because it is essential to ensure a diet rich in nutrients, the most important thing is to take it easy and not pass on our frustration to the children.

Tricks for a happy mealtime


The dream of every parent of a child who does not eat well is for that moment to flow without difficulty. This is very important because  your child should not identify mealtime as an unpleasant situation and make the subject more complicated.

Little by little the little one should be taught that mealtime is a pleasant moment to share with the family. The message should never be that it is a time of struggle when trying to get your child to eat a bite.

In this sense, we will give you below the keys that will make your child expand his taste for food, get used to them and in this way you are sure that he consumes a balanced diet that will guarantee his healthy development.

Planning the weekly menu will help you to present your baby with varied, healthy and colorful meals that motivate him to eat without problems.

Create eating habits

All human beings need rules and a routine that provides us with a structure that allows us to lead a balanced life. In such a way that it is also necessary to incorporate a consistent routine around mealtime.

Therefore, it is important that you try to comply with the hours in which you offer food (breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks), always call the child to the table or sit him in his high chair, avoid interaction with toys, television or other distracting factors.

These measures will gradually understand that it is an activity that is part of the daily habit.

The ideal children’s menu


As for the menu that is offered to our little ones, it is very important that it be varied so as not to bore them with the same foods always, balanced because it will allow us to ensure that all their food requirements are covered and finally well presented as this will be essential to encourage them. to try the different foods.

Although it sounds complicated to do along with the other household tasks that you have to fulfill, the key is in the organization. That is why we recommend that once a week you write down the menu you want to give your little one and go shopping, so that you make sure you have all the ingredients you will need for each preparation.

In this way you will know that for example on Monday it is a vegetable cream and on Tuesday mashed potatoes and chicken strips and so on. Look for fun and simple recipe options that make this easy for you.

Try not to let your little one get too distracted when it comes to eating. Avoid having toys around or the TV on to keep an eye on what is being offered at that moment

Acceptance and refusal of food

A very natural behavior in all children is the rejection or acceptance of different kinds of food. In this sense, you should not worry if a whole week your child has been spitting food or throwing it on the floor, remember that he is used to the flavors and their different textures.

You can offer him the foods that he likes the most and intersperse with those that he has rejected until he finally tolerates them, meanwhile, creams are an excellent alternative for you to take advantage of giving him all kinds of vegetables and greens.

At the end of lunch, you can give a tempting serving of fruit, gelatin, yogurt, or ice cream for dessert to emphasize that eating is an enjoyable habit.

In short, it is about combining patience and creativity in how food is offered to children, since it is a stage that most children go through.

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