6 Toys For Children With Recycled Materials

Playing games with recycled materials has its advantages: it encourages creativity, improves social skills and allows you to experience good times as a family.
6 Toys for children with recycled materials

Toys for children with recycled materials are a good option in these times when buying a toy is so expensive.

Although on many occasions, some parents feel the need to spend their savings or deprive themselves of other things in order to give their children a toy they like, it is possible that this expense is lost because after a while they get bored of it and they discard it.

Certainly, it is recommended that on some occasions parents indulge in this luxury, and grant that fun to children, because the happiness that is drawn on their faces is priceless.

However, it must be recognized that children basically have fun with anything, many times we see them playing even with a cardboard box, because their imagination is so wide that they do not need anything else, and they have a lot of fun!

The creativity

There are a large number of toys that can be created using simple materials and a lot of creativity. Similarly, in this new era, the use of recyclable materials has been gaining momentum, largely as a method of protecting the environment.

So, it is time to remember those childhood times and let yourself be carried away by the creative instinct. In this sense, below we present some very useful toys that parents can create to have fun with the little ones in the house:


6 Toys for children with recycled materials


A musical instrument can be very expensive, but it is always a desired object for children. If we are still not sure about what our children’s musical gifts will be, it is preferable to resort to the most accessible option to acquire an instrument, such as the flute.

To build a flute with recycled materials we need:

  • Rule
  • Straws or straws
  • Pair of scissors
  • Scotch tape


  1.  Cut each straw or straw irregularly, some shorter than others so that once together they acquire the shape of a musical instrument. They can be measured with the ruler.
  2. Join each straw or straw, one next to the other and adhere it with the adhesive tape.
  3. Clever! The flute is here and the children will be able to enjoy it.

2 obstacle course

This toy can guarantee hours of entertainment, which is why it is worth a try. An obstacle course can be very expensive, but with recycled materials it can be a simple solution; it also fulfills the same function.

To create our toy with homemade materials we will need the following:

  • Cardboard rolls
  • Carton box
  • Job
  • Pair of scissors


1. Cut one side of the cardboard box so that the bottom is left and the sides serve as walls.
2. They glue each cardboard roll, one under the other at an angle.
3. Done! Now the children will be able to play with the track.


It is a toy that cannot be missing among children’s favorites. There may be some very sophisticated and others simpler, but they will always guarantee a lot of entertainment. It is also a useful tool to keep the brain active.

Implements required to build a puzzle with recycled material:

  • Ice cream stick
  • Markers
  • Silicon


1. Join the pallets and fix them with a point of silicone at one end, so that a small board is formed.
2. Make the drawing you want and paint it.
3. Done! Now you can separate the palettes and try to join them again to complete the painted image.

4.Memory with bottle caps

This interesting game should never be missing. It is recommended to exercise memory and is very easy to use.

To make our own memory game using bottle caps, we will need the following:

  • Plastic bottle caps
  • Paper
  • Colored pencils
  • Job


1. Make several pictures and their respective pairs. Make sure each drawing is the right size to fit on the cover.
2. Paint the pictures, cut them out and stick them on the inside of each cover.
3. Done! The little ones can already play by memory.


Maracas are another interesting musical instrument that children are sure to love. We are going to spend a bustling time with the maracas that we will build ourselves with recycled materials.

Required implements:

  • Two plastic bottles
  • Water-based paints
  • Small grains or stones


1. Paint the bottles with the desired colors.
2. Fill each bottle or a handful of grains or small stones.
3. Seal each bottle with its respective cap.
4. Done! The house musicians can have fun to the rhythm of the maracas.


It is an irresistible toy that every child loves. Like cars, the boat and the plane are the favorite toys for fun to reach our little ones. If we also build it ourselves and you can navigate, it will be worth a try.

To build a small boat we will need the following recycled materials:

  • A toothpick
  • Three corks
  • A piece of cardboard of any color
  • A piece of string or thick thread


1. Take the cardboard and cut a small triangle that will serve as a candle.
2. Join the three corks to form the base of the boat.
3. Embed the toothpick in one of the corks and glue the previously cut cardboard to the other end.
4. Tie the rope to one end of the corks or place a rubber band around it and tie it to it.
5. Done! Now the little ones can navigate with it.
With these simple examples, parents can spend a pleasant time with their little ones, not only playing, but also building them and spending quality time that children will undoubtedly appreciate.

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