Polyhydramnios Or Abundant Amniotic Fluid

Any alteration of the amniotic fluid during pregnancy, such as polyhydramnios, can bring complications and put the baby’s life at risk.
Polyhydramnios or abundant amniotic fluid

Polyhydramnios, better known as abundant amniotic fluid, It is an accumulation of the fluid that is responsible for surrounding the baby during its gestation and providing it with all the proteins necessary for its development. But in the case of  Presented in an exaggerated and out-of-standard way can lead to problems for the mother or fetus.

What Causes Polyhydramnios?

Although specialists sometimes fail to identify why this state occurs in some pregnant mothers, according to their research there are certain conditions that generate a greater risk of suffering from polyhydramnios. Among them are the following:

  • Multiple gestation. P It can cause one baby to have more amniotic fluid than the other.
  • Maternal diabetes.
  • Big babies.
  • Neurological problems in the baby – as hydrocephalus, can cause you to have difficulty swallowing .
  • That the baby has a low heart rate.
  • Fetal malformations such as spinal cord defects , brain or gastrointestinal and urinary obstructions.
  • Cleft lips in the baby which can cause swallowing (swallowing) problems and consequently low fluid in the womb.
  • Incompatibility of blood group between mother and baby.
Baby wrapped in amniotic fluid

Signs and symptoms

Women with polyhydramnios often have no symptoms , especially when they are in a mild state, but if they go to a serious state they could begin to suffer the following:

  • Difficulty breathing
  • Abdominal pain
  • Inflammation of the abdominal wall or lower extremities
  • Uterine contractions
  • Vomiting
  • Brighter or fairer abdomen , more than usual for the period you are passing

How to diagnose a case of polyhydramnios?

The best way for a pregnant woman to know that she has polyhydramnios is through an ultrasound measurement that will need to  be performed by a specialist. This will provide you with an approximate amniotic fluid index (ILA), which should not exceed 25 centimeters during the third trimester because it would be presenting an excess of it, causing damage.

After you have a full ultrasound looking for fetal malformations,  The doctor must rule out whether the abundance of your amniotic fluid is due to hereditary causes, verifying the family history. I could also do  glucose tolerance tests, hemorrhages, anemia and maternal serological tests.

Risk factor’s

There are serious risk factors that can increase problems during pregnancy from polyhydramnios, so  It is important that the mother attends all the check-ups scheduled by her doctor from the moment of her pregnancy. . These are the agents: 

  • Postpartum hemorrhage.  This case occurs through severe bleeding after delivery.
  • Death of the baby. AND Polyhydramnios can cause the baby to die after 20 weeks of pregnancy.
  • Premature delivery  It occurs when the baby is born before 37 weeks of pregnancy.
  • Detachment of the placenta.  This detachment is considered serious, because the baby stops receiving oxygen and nutrients provided by the womb, resulting in dangerous bleeding.
  • Bad position of the fetus.  The normal thing is that the fetus is placed face down and with a view towards the mother’s back, but in cases of polyhydramnios this position is usually affected, having to take cesarean section as a safer option for its birth.
A poor position of the fetus can be a risk factor for the presence of abundant amniotic fluid.

What is your treatment?

In the case of mild polyhydramnios, no treatment is necessary, but once the doctor indicates a severe case to the mother, it is vital that action is taken in time. Among the most effective treatments include: the reduction of amniotic fluid manually, medicine to make the baby urinate less or, if approaching the days, bring the delivery earlier.

Likewise, it is recommended that prenatal surveillance begins at 32 weeks through a complete test.  in which the mother must remain calm to obtain precise results free of alterations. Likewise, if you have diabetes, take care of your sugar levels in order to avoid fetal death.

Uncomplicated pregnancy

Preventing cases of polyhydramnios is an impossible act, because it appears without prior notice, either due to some anomaly, family causes or even without reason. . For this reason, it is important that future mothers take care of each phase of their pregnancy so that they can reduce the risks that this condition can cause to the baby and to their health in general.

Have healthy habits , away from nicotine and with a good diet  It will help the mother to maintain a desired weight, reducing the risk of diabetes and providing important vitamins for the correct development of the fetus. .

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