How Many Cesarean Sections Can Be Had?

Find out below all the information about caesarean sections and childbirth, how many caesarean sections the woman can have, what the risks are and how often you can have one.
How many cesarean sections can you have?

Have you ever wondered how many caesarean sections you can have? There are different opinions and criteria in this regard.  

Most women are not sure how many cesarean sections can be had or if they are allowed in order to deliver their baby. There are even those who think that more than two caesarean sections represent a high risk for the mother.

Others claim that up to three can be done. However, there are specialists who say that after a third cesarean section it is possible to conceive a natural birth  but it turns out that, in practice, it is not easy at all.

How many cesarean sections can you have?

Faced with this question, most doctors recommend that women not undergo this intervention more than three times. Of course, it all depends on the case and the health of the woman at the time of surgery.

According to some studies, the risk to women in caesarean sections is unnecessary. Mainly due to the weak wall of the uterus, increasing the chances that the bag could rupture.

Consequently, a series of obstetric complications of serious magnitude arise, since this is accompanied by maternal and, especially, fetal mortality.

How many cesarean sections can you have?

How often?

So, how many cesarean sections can be had and how often? Statistics indicate that after performing two cesarean sections on the same woman , the risk percentage quadrupled.

Doctors say that the best time between cesarean sections is between 12 and 18 months. Also in the type of incision. Verticals are said to be of higher risk and especially if there was a previous cesarean section.

The risks

In addition to knowing how many caesarean sections you can have, it is important to know the risks of the intervention. The following factors are generally considered: adhesions and uterine rupture.

Adhesions consist of bands of scar tissue that form after each cesarean section. It means that, as the tissue heals, contact with other organs located near the uterus, intestine, omentum, or bladder is likely to occur.

With each cesarean section, a scar is created with different characteristics and effects.  First, the wall of the uterus weakens and on the other hand, the possibilities of adhesions develop.

Adhesions can cause fertility problems, since they make it difficult for the fallopian tubes to fulfill their functions. And on the other hand, they can cause pain, because they prevent the free movement of certain internal organs.

On the other hand, uterine rupture secondary to rupture of the amniotic sac is the most dangerous and serious consequence for both the baby and the mother.

Is it possible to have a natural delivery after a cesarean section?

Many doubts or controversies arise in this regard. Although it is a normal act that a delivery can be performed after having had their babies under the cesarean delivery scheme. Usually there is no genetic factor that prevents it.

Notably, many obstetricians approve of a woman having a C-section after a third time.

What is recommended in these situations is that the opinion of a gynecologist is sought.  We must confidently ask how many cesarean sections can be had, how often, etc., so that everything is clear and the best possible decision is made.

How many cesarean sections can you have?

Recommendations for all mothers

The right thing to do would be for your gynecologist, when you schedule a new pregnancy, to let you know what the risks are. It is also extremely important that you make it clear how many caesarean sections you could endure.

Although it is proven that cesarean section is a safe intervention and that it is performed frequently in all obstetric clinics, it is necessary to take care of your own health and have common sense.

The final decision will be in the hands of the future mother, although it is vital that she always has all the pertinent information so that she does not seek to take unnecessary risks.

So how many cesarean sections can you have? Maximum three if the woman is in optimal health.

The evolutionary effect of cesarean section on the female body

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