The Arrival Of A New Brother Is The Best Gift

From the moment of pregnancy, you can prepare your older child for the arrival of a new sibling. The way you approach the birth of the baby and its integration into the family will influence the dissipation of fears and doubts of the elder.
The arrival of a new brother is the best gift

The arrival of a new brother is an event that should bring joy to the firstborn. However, it is normal for older children to feel resentment and jealousy for the new member of the family, because during this stage great changes occur. In many cases, children have a hard time adjusting to them.

How to get your older child to adapt in a positive way?

In order for your firstborn to feel happy about the arrival of a new sibling, you need to help him. These suggestions will be very helpful to you.

Meet the baby in the hospital

This is a good option, as you will be able to be with your mother again and see your baby brother for the first time. This way, you can allow him to look at you and caress him wisely for the necessary time. In this way, you will begin to strengthen that brotherly bond.

Another practical suggestion is to give a gift from the newborn to his older brother. You must make him feel that his love for him has not changed, that he is still a main member of the family.

Maintain the daily routine

With the arrival of a new baby, changes arise in the home. As much as possible, you should maintain the same routine for your older child, so you will not create confusion for him.

If you cannot avoid it, tactfully explain why some changes have been made. Respecting their spaces and keeping their belongings in their places is another practical suggestion.

Spend time

Even if it is difficult to find time for your older child, you should try to find a time of day to be alone with him. Both parents have to dedicate exclusive time to enjoy each of their children.

Once the jealousy is over, a new sibling can become the best friend.

Include your older child in activities related to the newborn

Let him take part in caring for the baby. For example, helping to hold the diaper or the bottle, among other things that are within reach and depending on their age. This will make you feel useful and important and will make it easier for the new member to get approved.

Another alternative is to have fun with the older one while the little one is present. Thus, the child will know that mother can continue to share with him singing, playing or reading stories. The goal is for you to see a new sibling as a family gift.

Take care of communication with the child

You must explain to your son frankly, but according to his age and maturity what is happening. From 2 years of age he is already able to understand many things. Listen carefully to his concerns and respond in terms that he understands.

You can also tell him about the time when he was a baby and how you took good care of him. Show him photos and clothes from that time; this will make you feel identified. It is essential to show affection and affection at all times, that he feels that his parents continue to love him just as they will love the newborn.

Preserve the role of other family members

Other close relatives such as grandparents and uncles can spend quality time with the child.  They serve activities such as taking him to play in the park, to have a snack, to the movies or other usual activity.

This will help her not notice the change so drastically, that is, the fact that mom can no longer dedicate so much time to her.

4 situations parents should prevent

You can avoid awkward situations and avoid misunderstandings from your child about his new sibling. To do this, follow these recommendations:

  • Don’t let the older child go overboard in his attempts to keep his parents’ attention.
  • As parents,  you shouldn’t feel bad about spending time caring for the baby.
  • Do not let the child dominate the situation with temper tantrums or uncontrolled crying.
  • Show firmness but patience and love when correcting it.
Jealousy between siblings is the common response of children to the arrival of someone who requires more attention.

Why the jealousy of the older child when his new brother was born?

Jealousy in children is a normal and positive feeling within reason, since it  indicates that the child has developed a strong emotional bond with his parents. This is essential to love and be loved during your life.

Usually the new baby gets everyone’s attention, especially his parents. That is why the eldest son will see his relationship with his parents threatened and will demonstrate it through extreme behaviors.

It can be balanced to care for both children at home and show them the love and affection they deserve. In this way, the arrival of a new brother will be understood as the best gift.

How to get a peaceful arrival of a new brother

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