6 Things You Should Not Forbid Your Little One

6 Things you should not forbid your little one

The education of children is one of the most important things for parents. When we educate, we establish a series of norms and limits to improve the behavior of our children and that they learn to behave. By establishing these, we are indulging in some attitudes. However, sometimes you have to prohibit, but what is to be prohibited and what not?

The way in which parents respond to the different behaviors of their children is what will make them know how to behave and move around the world.

It must be clear that prohibiting everything is a mistake. There are times when it is necessary for parents to intervene to stop behaviors, since they pose a danger to the child or their environment. But sometimes children’s performances are forbidden just because of the adults’ own fear or to keep them quiet and not disturb. If we do this, the problem is with us.

They must be left free to experiment and develop. A child without stimuli and without experimentation will not be able to develop correctly; it is in their nature to inquire and investigate because this helps them learn from the world around them.


That is why the important thing is to prohibit those things that may pose a danger, but not those for which for our comfort we do not want them to do.

You may be wondering, what things should I not forbid my little one ? Well, we are going to see some of them below.

What things should we not forbid our child

Draw or paint alone

Sometimes, due to the fact that they can get dirty, paint on the wall, eat the colors, etc., parents forbid children to paint. This is a mistake; painting or drawing develops the creativity and imagination of our child, as well as gives an outlet to their emotions. Buy him paint that is easy to clean and wash, non-toxic colors, and give him a chance to be free painting.

Jump, run and scream at home

For a child running, jumping and screaming is a game with which he releases his emotions and helps him relax, expel energy, etc.

Although you do have to explain to him that those same things in other places such as a hospital, the street or the supermarket, should not be done. In those places there are people we can annoy with screaming and jumping.

See drawings

If the drawings are educational and always in their proper measure, with established schedules to see them, it is good that they do so. Parents can accompany them and see them together.

Eat with your hands

This is part of the natural learning of young children and they use their hands to eat. They need to know the textures of food, interact with them, discover flavors, etc.

That is why you must allow them to eat with their hands. If you’re worried about getting dirty, buy her a waterproof bib with sleeves; this will make it less staining.

When they are able to use the spoon, let them eat alone, even if it is quicker and more comfortable for the parents to feed them ourselves.

Help you at home

Many parents do not let the children help by saying “you are going to throw it away”, “it is going to fall to the ground” … Then, when the child is older, they usually complain because they are not doing anything. Well, to avoid this, it is good to let the child collaborate with the housework. This will make it feel useful.

We must let them help us, as long as they are things they can do: take the dirty clothes to the washing machine, set the table, water the plants, pick up their toys … As soon as they help you, reinforce them by telling them that without their collaboration you would not have finished it on time.

Climb and play in the park


If children climb and get on the highest slide, do not forbid them. Don’t take your eye off him, but let him go up and down to learn how to do it. If necessary, help him learn how to do it.

You already know some of the things that you should not prohibit your little one. Remember that if we say NO to everything, what we are doing is limiting its development and the formation of its personality.

That does not mean that we say yes to everything and that we are permissive, but that we know how to differentiate what things should not do because they are a danger to them and what things we prohibit for our comfort. You have to leave them some autonomy, since this helps them to be happy.

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