7 Keys To Have A Happy Motherhood

Motherhood is an experience comparable to few things in life. Although it is not without complications and even sadness, it is possible to live it fully and full of joy.
7 keys to have a happy motherhood

Nothing compares to happy motherhood. It is one of the most daunting experiences in life ; it involves overwhelming changes, but also wonderful discoveries. Hence, no effort should be spared to ensure that everything runs smoothly.

The way in which motherhood is lived depends on the attitude that is adopted. What is clear is that an experience full of emotions is coming, so it is important to be prepared to live them with enthusiasm and not with anguish.

Keys to have a happy motherhood

Although there is no manual for having a happy motherhood, there are some tips that can be adopted. These help to better cope with this magical, but also overwhelming, moment of life. We present you some of them.

The trust

It is important to cultivate an attitude of trust. The mother must believe in herself and in her instinct, but also in life. Hope for the best and convince yourself that everything is going to be okay. You should know that if a difficulty arises, you will find a way to solve it.

Meraki for life, for everyone.

The opposite of trust is anxiety, that is, assuming that something bad is always going to happen. If the insecurity is allowed to grow, everything begins to slow down. It is better to work to develop a positive attitude and thus have a happy motherhood.

Learn to ask for help

Some women do not want to be mothers, but “super mothers. ” Always have everything under control and make everything perfect; when they fail, they feel guilty. They think that a good mother never falters.

No mother can take care of everything all the time. On the contrary, on many occasions you have to ask for help. This does not mean, far from it, that she is not capable. It simply implies that he is a human being and not an infallible machine.

Take smart breaks

This point complements the previous one. If a mother is overworked, she will not be able to have a happy motherhood. Rather the opposite, little by little you will feel more and more burdened. This spoils your physical and mental health.

That is why it is necessary to take breaks relatively frequently and take a couple of hours for yourself, that is, for personal enjoyment. Good to go out to a place that relaxes you or simply to rest from the routine by sleeping for a while.

Not idealizing motherhood

A mother is not someone who knows everything, nor is she a person who can avoid any kind of harm to her child. Much less is someone who is right in their decisions and behaviors one hundred percent.

Children see someone omnipotent in their mother. It is part of their development that they perceive it that way. However, that is far from the truth, as all mothers are people and motherhood is hard daily work. An excellent mother will make thousands of mistakes, but motherhood has a lot of magic.

Seek support

Living a happy motherhood requires a lot of support. It is provided in part by the couple, and also, at times, by the extended family. However, there is a much more effective support: pairs. Other women who are experiencing the same experience can provide invaluable help.

Building a small support network with other mothers is a great idea. It helps to make catharsis, to solve doubts and to strengthen solidarity. Nobody understands one mother more than another. If you have friends, there is a greater chance of having a happy motherhood.

Assimilate separation

The task of separation between a mother and a child begins from the moment of birth. From then on the baby begins his own adventure in the world. That is precisely what growth and evolution are all about.

A mother is always someone special.

This is one of the most difficult aspects for most mothers. It is not easy to learn to take the correct distance, it requires common sense, but above all a lot of love to learn it. It is impossible to live a happy motherhood without being aware of attachments and detachments.

Forging an independent opinion

From the moment a mother begins pregnancy, she begins to listen to advice from others. Sometimes there are also questions and criticisms; at other times, compliments and expressions of admiration.

You cannot have a happy motherhood if you depend a lot on the opinion of others. It is important to strengthen your own criteria. Be guided by your own instincts and trust that you are always doing the best you can. Also, of course, turn a deaf ear to negative and unconstructive opinions.

In motherhood, everything has its positive side.  We invite you to discover it

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