6 Tips To Prevent Colds

The abrupt change of the climate is one of the main responsible for the proliferation of the common cold or flu in adults, young people and children. What measures to take to avoid this disease?
6 tips to prevent colds

Changes in the environment give rise to new viruses, some very easy to acquire. Therefore, we must always be one step ahead and take precautions. Preventing colds is one of the many things we can achieve with recipes, natural remedies, or by using helpful tips.

The human body responds very easily to diseases that are found in the environment. Cold and flu are very common and children are always the most affected, since schools are where these viruses are abundant.

Eating a good diet is key to keeping your body healthy. Eating foods that contain vitamin C will help keep your defenses high; consequently, it will help prevent any discomfort. Eating at least three times a day in a healthy way is synonymous with well-being.

How can colds be prevented?

The cold is spread mainly through direct contact. For this reason, it is very difficult to isolate yourself completely from any possibility of contagion.

However, we can put into practice some simple habits to avoid being a victim of this virus as much as possible. Among them, we can mention:


This habit can reduce the incidence of the cold by 60%, since this condition is spread by contact. It is advisable to wash your hands with soap and water constantly; In addition, for greater safety, it is useful to always have antibacterial gel available that helps eliminate any type of microbes that are left by rubbing or contact with things and people.

Maintaining hand hygiene is essential to combat the bacteria that cause listeriosis.

Antibacterial gel cannot be missing from your child’s school backpack. From a very young age, you should get into the habit of taking a small amount and rubbing it on his hands frequently, especially after playing sports and playing outside.

Drink plenty of fluids

Most colds usually affect the throat first. In fact, this discomfort, itching, stinging or irritation is the symptom that heralds the appearance of a cold.

Later come the fever, nasal congestion and headache. Therefore, it is essential to drink plenty of fluids to protect the mucosa and vocal cords from infectious agents.

Avoid closed places with crowds of people

Many times, closed places such as hospitals, buses or airports are crowded with people who transport and share different viruses through the air. We should, whenever possible,  avoid frequenting these spaces, especially when the weather is rainy or very cold.

No Smoking

It is essential to avoid the consumption of cigarettes or tobacco when a cold is suspected. Smokers are more likely to contract this virus, as well as to aggravate its symptoms, such as a sore throat, thanks to the constant exposure of their respiratory tract to harmful substances.

Eat a healthy diet

A good diet allows to strengthen the defenses. Fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins – especially C – and minerals that activate the immune system  are essential to protect the body from external agents.  There the importance of maintaining a good diet.

To protect from cold

When going out,  we must wear clothes that provide us with good shelter, as well as a scarf to adequately cover the neck area, especially on rainy or cold days. The temperature changes brought by seasons like winter and fall often come with strong winds and lots of rainfall.

Reusing clothes for my second child is a great idea for many reasons.

As we can see, it is not difficult to avoid a cold, although the effectiveness of the measures, logically, is not entirely guaranteed. If, despite putting into practice all of the above, you contract the virus, the best thing we can do is take a good rest in a cool and quiet room.

With adequate rest, we better assimilate the drugs we take ; in this way, we confront this ailment with determination.

Finally, consuming natural remedies such as hot herbal tea and other infusions will be very useful to fight the virus, in addition to the popular medicines that exist on the market for this discomfort.

If the cold is common and passes without complications, we can make use of them. However,  if we present other symptoms in addition to the normal ones, it is best to go to the doctor and, of course, avoid self-medication.

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