5 Stories To Learn To Save

The economy can seem like a very complex subject for children. However. There are some books that bring this subject closer to the little ones so that, little by little, they begin to know concepts.
5 stories to learn to save

Acquiring a series of responsibilities from when children are young is essential for greater autonomy in their decisions. One of the aspects that, as they grow, they will have to take into account is that of managing money to a greater extent. Children are not fully aware of the importance of this, however, we must teach them a series of actions that lead them to be responsible.

For this reason, below we leave you a selection of stories to learn how to save that will also help you in the process of acquiring responsibility.

Children’s stories to learn to save

Mon and Nedita. My first book on economics , one of the best stories to learn to save

Although children do not use money every day in the same way as adults, on many occasions, they do receive small amounts of it for their savings. This book recommended for children from three years old, will become an ally to explain in a totally adapted and fun way basic aspects of the economy.

Child counting the money he has to learn how to save.

Through the two main characters, two brother mice named Mon and Nedita, who want to buy a hat for their mother, the children will know:

  • The price or value of what you want to buy.
  • The buildings and spaces where money is kept and managed.
  • Different possibilities to save.

And several more very interesting and simple aspects that they will discover through tabs and flaps that will make their reading much more fun and autonomous. As a special complement to the book, it includes a piggy bank that children can build themselves and decide where to invest the money they save in the piggy bank.

My first book on economics, savings and investment

Nicol and Carol will be the two leading children who will show readers the different branches of economics. Through fantastic illustrations with a lot of informative content, children will learn about the origin of money, what it means to save or invest, what a budget is and how it is made, or the different professions that exist in relation to economics.

In a very dynamic way for them, they will learn and know more about the economy and everything that money involves.

The economy explained to young people

If the first of the books was recommended for the smallest of the house, this is recommended for those over 12 years old. At this age, several tweens and teens begin to receive either weekly or monthly pay. This money will be the first that they will have to manage and, therefore, they must have a series of basic concepts.

A perfect tool for this is this book that, in a simple, entertaining and totally didactic way, will teach young people concepts such as investment, capital, the stock market or the crisis.

In addition, the author of this book also wants to show the importance when making decisions regarding money, as they must be responsible for this.

A fantastic book for young people to begin to know the world of economics more in depth and thus be more responsible with their money.

Little girl putting coins into a pot with her mother to learn how to save.

More stories to learn to save

Money doesn’t fall from the sky

There are different ways that children learn new concepts and new information. This book wants to use a very dynamic, fast and simple way that will make the concepts about economics and money sink more quickly in children.

With a question and answer format, this book, recommended for children from eight years of age, will answer many questions that, on numerous occasions, are raised.

As it is not an extensive text, but with a series of questions that can be chosen, it is an ideal book to use with different ages, depending on the complexity of the questions or the theme that most interests children.

Forget about your little pig and grow your money

Economics is one of the subjects taught in many institutes. Sometimes it is a compulsory subject and. in others, optional.

So that teenagers can know if this subject is among their favorites, the author of this book, a father of teenage children, decided to write this book on financial education for teenagers.

In it they will know the importance of money and to start doing small actions with little money and to expand, thus, little by little, through various investments, their capital. A series of concepts and tips that all teenagers interested in finances will like.

Informational children's books

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