5 Remedies To Relieve Nipple Pain During Breastfeeding

5 remedies to relieve sore nipples while breastfeeding

Pain in the nipples during breastfeeding usually occurs in the first few weeks. It is believed that at least 90% of women experience this type of discomfort. However, these are pains that are rather temporary. By the fifth day of breastfeeding, the peaks of the breasts will be very sore, but we cannot stop.

Therefore, it is advisable to improve this discomfort while continuing to breastfeed. In addition, it is necessary that the remedy we use to relieve pain is not risky for the baby. In the same way, it is necessary to correct some practices that may be harming us. For example, the way the baby grasps the nipple is known to be the main cause of nipple damage.

Here we tell you how to proceed to relieve nipple pain during breastfeeding.

Improve the position of the mouth on the nipple

The baby can hurt us by sucking only the peak of the breast. To improve this situation, we need to make sure that the child’s mouth covers most of the areola. It is necessary that we open our mouth more, we can do this by inserting the finger.

It is possible that this causes pain in the first weeks due to error in the mechanics. However, as skills are gained, our situation improves.

Apply moist heat

Moist heat has proven to be an effective pain reliever for nipples. Plus, it can help your skin heal quickly. To apply this remedy it is recommended to use a clean towel. We wet the cloth with warm water, preventing it from being hot. Squeeze out the excess water and place the compress on the nipple in a direct way.

We leave the towel placed on the nipple until it reduces its temperature until it reaches room temperature. When it has cooled down, we repeat the process. This remedy can also be applied to relieve pain from engorgement.

Using hydrogel pads

Hydrogel pads are a product specially designed to be used as a pain reliever for the nipples. These are sheets made of silicone that create a barrier against friction. In addition, due to their composition, they can be refreshing and soothing.

Its main function is to prevent the bra or nursing pillows from hurting us. Their size is consistent with that of the areola, so they offer protection where we need it most.

Apply breast milk

Breast milk contains natural emollients that are very effective in helping sore nipples heal. In addition,  its bacterial action helps protect and heal quickly. It is ideal to be applied when there are wounds or cracks in the nipples.

Squeeze out a few drops of your own milk and rub it on the nipple. Before covering the breast, wait for the milk to air dry completely.

Balms and ointments

There are countless options on the market to treat nipple pain caused by breastfeeding. However, not all of these products are convenient. It is estimated that those that contain lanolin can cause allergic reactions; Furthermore, its smell and taste are not always pleasant for the baby.

In this case, if we put a cream that causes rejection of the little one, we can put their diet at risk.

However, some natural remedies in the form of balms and ointments create a barrier that also calms the pain. For example, the use of olive oil or products that contain it as a base is recommended. This element does not interfere with the smell or taste, but it is natural and very effective.

The ointments based on calendula, also help relieve pain. Similarly, the advantage of using these products is that they contribute to the healing of the nipple.

Although our nipples are very sore, it is not recommended that we give up breastfeeding. It is very important to continue breastfeeding, unless your doctor decides otherwise. In any case, if the pain is unbearable, we have developed a complication or we have any treatment that prevents breastfeeding, we can always use the pump so as not to compromise the milk supply.

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