5 Recommendations To Help The Baby Who Does Not Sleep

5 tips to help your baby who doesn't sleep

Most babies sleep like little angels. It is even believed that it is not necessary to put them to sleep, but that they are “programmed” to sleep without complications. However, it is not easy all the time; some babies do not sleep as long as they need. For parents of the non-sleeping baby, we have compiled some recommendations from the experts.

It can be frustrating and exhausting when your little one doesn’t finish falling asleep. Babies don’t sleep for various reasons, but they don’t sleep for fun. If the baby does not sleep it is because he cannot, because in most cases they are as exhausted as we are.

One of the main enemies of rest in the parents of the newborn is undoubtedly the lack of sleep. Sleeping worried that the child is well is exhausting, but having the baby wake up several times during the night is much worse.

However, the baby wakes up because we cannot teach him our sleep routines from one day to the next.

Tips to help a baby who is not sleeping

The author of the book “Gentle Sleep Solutions”, Andrea Grace, affirms that it is possible to teach the baby to sleep. Grace offers us some recommendations to help the baby who does not sleep, here we show you what it is about.

Understand that their sleep time is different from yours

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As the baby grows, it begins to adapt to our routine. However, in their early days their way of sleeping and falling asleep is very different from that of adults. For example, if we are used to not taking a nap so as not to wake up at night, with the baby it may be different.

When it comes to babies, perhaps “overusing” naps can be beneficial. Andrea Grace says that depending on the age of the baby, this could favor a few hours of sleep during the day so that he is more sleepy when night comes.

However, before taking this initiative, it is advisable to see if this strategy suits your baby. All babies are different, in addition, when they are older their rhythm changes. A long nap can help your baby sleep at night, but it could be different with your baby.

The solution may be to let him take a nap in the morning or in the early afternoon. That he is tired but not stressed when it comes to sleep, much less, just got up from a nap.

Let him sleep in his crib

We imagine that this point is not entirely approved by the majority, but we are not talking about sleeping in your crib in another room. As much as it may seem soulless to us, nothing will happen to the baby for sleeping in his crib, that’s why we bought it, right? Let’s prevent him from falling asleep in our arms.

“If they fall asleep in your arms and wake up in a different place, that can alarm them”

-Andrea Grace-

If we want to prevent children from waking up startled at night, it is preferable that we avoid these shocks. When he falls asleep next to us and we move him, he will wake up feeling insecure. It is normal to wake up one or more times during the night, but it is advisable not to wake up with stress.

In addition, the expert explains that capturing their attention by singing or reading a story, sometimes deviates them from their intention to sleep. Therefore, it is worth noting if we notice the most active baby when we distract in this way. It may work for some children, but perhaps it is hurting ours.

Go to them if they are crying

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It is not the custom of many, but some parents find it convenient to let them cry alone until they fall asleep. The expert affirms that this is unnecessary, in addition to painful and almost impossible to fulfill for the majority of the parents.

“If your baby cries it is because something is distressing him, so don’t leave him alone. If he complains a little, nothing happens, but if he cries inconsolably, he will shut up sooner if he notices your presence “

-Andrea Grace-

Grace explains that a little sob or complaint we can let go of, but if he wakes up crying inconsolably, it is necessary to go to him. What we want to avoid is their anguish, however, it is also necessary to prevent their night tantrums from becoming a habit. Let him cope alone and calm down on his own, as long as it is not a desperate cry and we are close to him.

Evaluate if it is good for everyone to sleep with you

Whether or not to sleep in our bed with the baby is a personal decision. However, sometimes it is convenient to observe if our decision is benefiting your little one’s sleep. Maybe our own sleeping habits may be affecting the baby if he sleeps with you. For example, if we must get up early it is difficult to get him to continue sleeping later without you.

The specialist also does not recommend that we pass him to our bed when he wakes up, since we are stimulating him to do it again. It is important that in front of children we are consistent with our decisions.

To help the baby who does not sleep, the most important ingredient is patience. In addition to love, the firmness with which we apply our strategies to achieve this goal is recommended. The recommendation is that you try to make changes, follow other recommendations, ask for help from experts and other mothers.

There is no right to give up, without making efforts so that you and the baby sleep better. Teach him to sleep if you can, do not despair.

The ideal posture to put your baby to sleep

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