5 Recommendations For The First Visit To The Dentist

Visiting the dentist for the first time should be a pleasant and exciting experience so as not to mark this event with unpleasant memories that negatively influence future dental visits.
5 recommendations for the first visit to the dentist

Our children’s first visit to the dentist can be traumatic due to many factors. Sometimes, not knowing what will happen in that office, the little ones feel fear and insecurity; Parents may also transmit their fears to them and the little ones are influenced by them.

From the moment that the first teeth begin to appear, children manifest a series of discomforts; usually there is a fever and sore gums. The most advisable thing then is to consult with the doctor so that he can tell us how we should proceed.

Once we observe that the infant’s teeth have fully emerged, we must schedule the first visit to the dentist. This experience, good or bad, will mark the child for his whole life, so we must ensure that it is positive. Thus, the little one will have a good attitude and disposition in future appointments.

What is the first visit to the dentist like?

Generally, the first visit to the dentist consists of a brief oral exam and a talk with the parents about the hygiene that the child requires in this area. It is understandable that, in this encounter, the child feels fearful and pampered.

A good strategy for him to relax and feel safe is to sit him on his lap while talking to the doctor. Then, as you settle him in the chair where he will be examined, hold his hand firmly.

In this first meeting, adults must remain calm and be in total physical and visual contact with the child to convey tranquility. When the dentist concludes his exploratory work, we must clarify with him all doubts regarding the infant’s dentition and request the ideal suggestions for its maintenance.

Recommendations for the first visit to the dentist

This date can become a fun outing if we use creativity to transform it into a rewarding experience worth repeating. With this,  we will put aside the fear that this kind of encounters supposes in the little ones. To achieve this, we leave you some recommendations:

Motivating game

We can associate a game that the little one enjoys with going to the dentist;  for example, the hiding place. While walking to the office, a game is played to hide an object that is at hand and the child is given the opportunity to find it several times. In this way, you will arrive relaxed and with a clear mind to the appointment.

Consultations with the dentist are essential to prevent problems from the beginning.

You can also play a game of comparisons. The objects that are inside the office are taken as a reference and compared with others that are found in a park or in the market. The main idea is for the child to see the dentist’s office and the space where it takes place as an opportunity to have fun.

Carry a totem

Before leaving for the consultation, the child is instructed to carry a totem; that is, an object that he considers very valuable or important. It must be explained to him that, with this article, he becomes a very powerful boy and that he will face the test with gallantry before the doctor. The little one will be filled with courage and will have a good disposition.

Informative and encouraging talk

Hours before leaving for the office, it is good to have a small talk in which it is explained where they are going and the objective of that outing. You may be told that they are going to the dentist to check that everything is fine with their teeth and to be congratulated on their excellent work.

Demonstrate good oral hygiene for everyone in the family

The best thing is always to lead by example. That is why it is necessary for the little one to observe the rules of oral hygiene practiced by everyone in the house.

With this, you will realize the importance of taking care of your teeth and will not be afraid to go to the dentist. Rather, he will be proud to show the specialist how well he and his family take care of their dentures.

Good dental clinic

It is necessary to choose a good dental office, preferably one in which the specialist feels comfortable dealing with children and reduces the chances of generating some type of trauma that may affect the child in the future.

If the appointment is in the morning, much better; in the afternoon they feel more tired and less willing to experience new things.

The first visit to the dentist must be approached with patience and tact so that it is positive for the child.

At the end of the first visit to the dentist, it would be ideal to acknowledge the child for his courage. In principle, it should be verbal, to emphasize your good behavior and how proud everyone is of it.

Then we could give you a small gift ; preferably an article that encourages dental hygiene with allegories of your favorite characters.

By reinforcing their good behavior and making this experience something new, our children will certainly take their next dental appointments with ease and joy. And not only that, but it can also contribute to making visits to any other doctor much more bearable and harmonious.

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