5 Recipes With Ice Cream: Choose The Best Option For The Summer

Cool off and enjoy some delicious ice cream recipes during hot summer days. This option is a great idea, as it is always welcome to taste an exquisite dessert, at any time of the day.
5 recipes with ice cream: choose the best option for summer

Is it difficult for you to choose which dessert you are going to prepare? Do not forget that you have at your disposal an infinite variety of ingredients to combine and make recipes with ice cream. Here are some very simple and tasty.

For these recipes, you can use chopped fresh fruits, in syrup, puree or jams; Cookies, cakes of different flavors, cakes, meringues, wafers, among others, are also included. All these ingredients are combined with ice cream, either as a side or to fill.

5 recipes with easy ice creams to prepare

The following recipes are rich and nutritious, as well as requiring simple ingredients. Without a doubt, they are the ideal ones to share with the family.

1. Special cake: ice cream with chocolate

This is a very easy recipe to prepare. Needless to say, of course, it is delicious and fresh. Remember that if you use varieties of sugar-free chocolate you can enjoy its benefits without any of its drawbacks. In fact, cocoa flavonoids have been shown to be effective in preventing some pathologies.


  • Mix to prepare 1 medium-size brownie.
  • ½ cup of chocolate ice cream.
  • 1.5 kg of vanilla ice cream.
  • ½ cup of chocolate chips.


First, prepare the brownie according to the directions on the package. Place the mixture in a medium rectangular pan, unmold and wait until it is cold. Then cut two layers in the middle.

On the other hand, place the ice cream at room temperature and cover the already used pan with plastic wrap. Start the first layer with vanilla ice cream, top it with a layer of cake ; then add chocolate ice cream, another layer of cake, and finish with a layer of vanilla ice cream.

Place in the freezer for 3 hours. Unmold and remove the plastic wrap ; finally, decorate it to taste with chocolate chips. This recipe is enough for 18 servings.

With these simple techniques, making ice cream at home will take just minutes.

2. Whiskey bananas with ice cream

It is one of the simplest ice cream recipes to prepare and in which few ingredients are used. However, its flavor, texture and presentation achieve a gourmet style.

Ingredients :

  • 4 peeled bananas.
  • 120 ml of Irish whiskey.
  • 110 g of brown sugar muscabada.  
  • 110 g of butter.


In a skillet over medium heat, melt the butter, add the sugar and the whiskey. Bring to a boil and stir constantly until the sugar dissolves.

Then, lower the heat to a minimum and place the bananas to cook until they caramelize. Serve quickly with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. Makes 4 servings.

3. Frozen dessert with dulce de leche

The recipe is original, since the amount of ingredients to use depends on how many servings you want to make and your tastes. In addition, you can substitute the meringues for cereals, fruits or confetti.

Anyway, despite its exquisite flavor, this recipe has a lot of added sugars. These are capable of affecting metabolic health if consumed regularly, according to a study published in The Journal of Clinical Investigation It is recommended to prepare only for special occasions.

Ingredients :

  • Necessary amount of dulce de leche.
  • Milk cream.
  • Grated chocolate.
  • Peach or banana in syrup and meringues.


To start, beat the cream with the dulce de leche until it is consistent; be careful not to cut it. If you want a very sweet flavor, you add more dulce de leche; if you prefer it soft, you add more cream.

To serve, alternate the layer of the preparation, the meringues and the peach in syrup in the order you prefer. As a last step, take it to the freezer for a few hours.

4. Cheese ice cream recipe

A delicious cheese ice cream is the ideal to taste if you want an exquisite, elegant and refreshing dessert.


  • 200 g of fresh cheese to spread.
  • 2 natural yogurts.
  • 6 tablespoons of icing sugar.
  • Waffles or cones.
  • 1 tablespoon of raspberry jam.


First, beat the yogurts with a manual whisk, add the sugar and mix well. Add the cheese, do not stop mixing until you have a homogeneous cream.

Then, put the cream in another container and add the jam; stir with a fork. Cover with plastic wrap so that it touches the ice cream. Lastly, put it in the freezer for about 2 hours.

Serve this ice cream with some waffles or cones; you can add some fresh fruits or chocolate chips.

Ice cream recipes allow you to create delicious desserts with great aesthetic appeal.

5. Strawberry ice cream cake

The recipes with fruit ice creams are very nutritious and pleasant. Go ahead and make this dessert at home and you will see how easy it is.

Ingredients (for 12 servings)

  • 1 kg of strawberries.
  • 7 natural yogurts without sugar of 125 g each.
  • 250 g of cookies, preferably rectangular in shape.
  • 250 g of mascarpone cheese.
  • Juice of an orange.
  • Sugar and vanilla extract to taste.


Place the strawberries to marinate for 20 minutes with the orange juice and 4 tablespoons of sugar, all well mixed. In another bowl, combine the mascarpone cheese with the yogurt, vanilla extract and sugar to taste. It should be beaten until thick and then refrigerate for 10 minutes.

At the same time, prepare a rectangular mold about 30 centimeters long. You must  line it with plastic wrap, so that it protrudes from the narrower sides to make it easier to unmold.

The next step is to remove the macerated strawberries, reserve half and process the other half in a blender only with the same liquid that has been released. You can add more sugar if you want.

He then proceeds to layer the mold; start with yogurt and mascarpone cream, then a layer of strawberries; to these chop them macerated.

Then follow with a layer of cookies. Repeat the process and finish with a layer of cookies; adjust carefully to cover everything.  Finally, refrigerate for 10 minutes and decorate the cake with the remaining yogurt and mascarpone cream.

Make ice cream for special occasions

With these delicious ice cream recipes, you don’t have to fear those hot summer days. At least when it comes to tasting delicious desserts, you already have several solutions at hand.

Homemade ice cream recipes

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