5 Keys To Creating A Study Area At Home

Do you want to know how to create a perfect study area for your children? Here are some tips. Take note of all the ideas!
5 keys to creating a study area at home

With the beginning of the school year, and more taking into account the current situation that we are experiencing around the world, it is important that children have a study area at home where they can do their homework, review the syllabus or, if necessary , follow the classes online .

In fact, according to specialists in child and adolescent psychology from the Psychodiagnosis Cabinet, one of the fundamental factors to motivate children academically is to provide them with a suitable study place that is quiet, free from distractions, and well lit and ventilated. .

In addition, there are other keys that must be taken into account when creating a study area at home. Do you want to know which ones? In the following lines we will tell you about it.

5 keys to creating a study area at home

Child doing homework in his study area at home.

1. Choose a good desk

Choosing a good desk is essential to create an area at home suitable for study. This must be of a size proportional to that of the child, that is, the table must be at the height of the child’s chest.

In addition, it is convenient that it is wide, to be able to put on it the necessary material for the study, and that it be resistant, so that it can hold several school years in perfect condition.

2. Have an ergonomic chair

Another essential piece of furniture in a study area is the chair. It is recommended that it be ergonomic, so that the child can spend many hours sitting on it while maintaining good body posture.

If the student tends to be restless, it is preferable that the chair does not have wheels, to avoid, as far as possible, unnecessary games and movements.

3. Have a computer available and a good internet connection

Today, in the era of digitization, the computer is a basic tool for the correct performance of academic tasks, especially in higher grades. Therefore, it is important that the study area has a computer and has access to a good internet connection.

To avoid vision problems, it is convenient that the computer is placed on the desk and the screen is placed at an arm’s distance from the child.

4. Have enough furniture to store and organize school supplies

Every study area must have enough shelves, drawers and boxes to store and organize the school supplies necessary to carry out academic tasks (books, notebooks, notes, pencils, etc.). In this way, the child will have everything at his fingertips for use or possible consultation.

5. Decorate the study area to suit the child

In principle, the study area is created with the intention that the child spends many hours in it, so it should feel comfortable and comfortable in it. In this sense, it is important that it is the student himself who chooses part of the decoration and gives it his personal touch.

For example, you can choose the color of the furniture, the color of the walls, hang your own drawings, put posters or decorative sheets that motivate you, etc.

Child doing homework with the tablet.

The importance of creating a good study area at home

For a child to become a good student, it is essential that they acquire and internalize good study habits from a young age . A very important part of doing this is having an appropriate study area at home.

This place can be located in the room, in the living room, in an office or even in the kitchen, as long as this place meets the necessary characteristics to be considered optimal for the study.

Also, if you have enough space, you can create several corners in the study area: one for reading, one for the computer, one for crafts … Although the breadth of the place is a secondary issue, what is really essential is that the Know that little one has a specific place in the home where he can carry out his schoolwork in the best possible conditions.

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