5 Foods That Favor The Study

Walnuts, avocado, banana, and other healthy ingredients favor study in infants. It is very important to plan well the nutrition of children of school age to achieve good performance.
5 foods that promote study

The intellectual work implies a great energetic waste. The fact of spending hours in front of books, trying to understand and memorize and then give an account of what has been learned can generate great stress. Eating study-friendly foods is a smart way to improve cognitive processes and concentration.

It is not about eating in quantity, but in quality. The key is to eat light to avoid overloading the stomach and promote optimal digestion. The more effort of the digestive system, the less energy will be left to think.

The blood supply will focus on the organs that represent the greatest wear and tear. In turn, certain properties of food will promote intellectual performance more than others. In exam time, it is clear that all force must be directed to one place: the brain.

Study-friendly foods: rich and nutritious

This list of foods that favor the study is based on the nutrients  that each contributes to neurotransmitter activity. On the other hand, they are delicious enough for children, young people and adults to like them.

1. Nuts and dried fruits

Is it a coincidence that the walnut looks like a brain? In any case, its high percentage of fatty acids, phosphorus and omega 3 represents a perfect combination to stimulate brain function.

This means that not only memory is favored; also the processes by which the new knowledge is associated with the old, which favors critical thinking. These are some interesting properties of the walnut:

  • It contains magnesium and fibers,  which regulate blood sugar and blood supply.
  • It has antioxidants, which fight free radicals and keep the mind young.
  • It enhances all cognitive functions, thanks to the high percentage of omega 3.
  • It stimulates the production of serotonin, which is why they are excellent natural energizers.
The banana is one of the foods that favor the study.

2. Banana or plantain

Another of the delicious and complete foods that favor the study is the banana. The human brain consumes 20% of the energy that the body generates, and it is necessary to recover it.

The banana or plantain provide large amounts of vitamins B and C, but, above all, potassium and tyrosine. These components stimulate, among other things, the generation of neurotransmitters essential for cognitive processes, such as serotonin and dopamine.

Consuming a banana every two or three days makes it possible for the body to receive important benefits. In addition, the banana provides us with these nutrients:

  • Tyrosine:  Helps in the production of new neurotransmitters.
  • Potassium, vitamin B6 and folic acid: They  strengthen brain functions.

3. Avocado or avocado

The avocado is also one of the foods that directly favor the study. Among other things, due to its high content of omega 3, a monounsaturated fat that promotes healthy neurological development.

On the eve of the exam, the regular consumption of avocado will allow to memorize, learn and reason optimally. In addition, it is rich in vitamins B and C and potassium. The consumption of avocado with salt and lemon is enough source of bliss for anyone.

The benefits of this fruit lie in the fact that it offers omega 3, a vital nutrient for efficient neural development. In addition, it also has vitamins B, C, E, potassium and magnesium, which activate the functioning of the nervous system.

4. Bitter chocolate

Another source of natural energy ideal for studying or for intellectual work is chocolate. Of course, to avoid sugars, milk and fat content that hinder digestion, the one to choose is dark or bitter chocolate.

A dark chocolate bar before or during the study will greatly facilitate concentration. Like nuts and bananas, chocolate stimulates the production of endorphins;  In addition to serving neuronal development, they keep our mind on alert.

On the other hand, chocolate contains cocoa, rich in antioxidants and caffeine, which stimulate cognitive processes and keep the brain active.

Among the ideal shakes for pregnancy, the apple is an almost inevitable ingredient.

5 apples

Among the foods that favor the study, the apple is one of the favorites. Unlike drinks like coffee, this fruit helps keep the mind awake without resorting to excess caffeine.

On the one hand, it helps quench anxiety and thirst. On the other hand, it favors the development of an active, healthy and young brain for longer.

In conclusion, when the exams approach, nothing better than choosing foods that favor the study. We will accompany them with a healthy routine with rest and exercises. One last tip: avoid flours and fats and drink plenty of water; adequate hydration is a great ally of the study.

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