3 Tips To Take Care Of The Newborn

3 tips to take care of the newborn

Caring for the newborn is providing basic care to guarantee his physical and psychological well-being, it is giving him love and attending to his call every time he needs you no matter what you are doing. When a baby comes into the world, it must become a priority for both the mother and the rest of the family.

The 3 main care for the baby

Bathroom. A process that can be safe

Your child’s first bath, the one made with baby soap, warm water and a bathtub, you should give your child after the first week of life.

Before that, you should only use damp towels and cottons to clean it.

It is advisable to avoid bathing the baby a few days after birth because he arrives in the world protected from a whitish substance called vernix caseoso.

newborn 2

Cheesy vernix helps you maintain your body temperature, is antimicrobial, and protects your skin. However, after the first week the child’s skin will have absorbed some of this fatty matter and will be ready to receive its first “dip”.

Mom, every bath you give your baby should be accompanied by a routine, only then will he not be scared and soon he will feel comfortable with the procedure.

Some children cry uncontrollably while being bathed and only lose their fear of this moment when they “learn” that it is something nice.

Something else that we can advise you regarding hygiene is that a newborn should only receive one bath per day. If you can count on the help of another person, this moment will be less stressful for you because you will be able to hold it well while whoever assists you is the one who washes it.

Many mothers feel a phobia when bathing because the baby, as small as it is, moves and slips between their hands.

Now, in case you have to go through this process alone and have no idea how to act, try doing it this way.

Turn your room into a bathroom

Baby Bath Spa

Put a nylon on the bed so that the mattress is not in danger of getting wet. Place the bathtub on top of it, aside a bucket with the water you will use in the bath, the soap and the towel.

Sit on the bed, lay your baby naked on one of your arms so that his head is in the palm of your hand and his bottom is close to your forearm.

With the other hand, wet it, wipe it with soap and rinse it off. Then charge it, dry it and dress it up.

If by any chance your child slips from your hands, there would be no more danger than falling on the mattress, so he would not suffer damage.

The umbilical cord stump. A necrotic tissue that is scary

The stump that remains after cutting the umbilical cord is a dead tissue that, although it should not be removed immediately, it should not be treated as if it were to be preserved for life.

The umbilical cord stump should not be so scared, so unless it is infected by improper hygiene, it will not cause problems.

To clean it, hold it firmly and lift it to reach the area that is still attached to the skin of the belly. Sanitize it with soap and water, rinse it and above all, leave it dry.

Many pediatricians advise cleaning it twice a day and at least one of them do it with prepared alcohol.

As time goes by, the stump will detach from the sides inwards and a few days after delivery it will fall off leaving a beautiful scar.

Newborn food: milk, milk and more milk

newborn milk

The newborn’s food should only be made up of breast milk.

Of course, there are always exceptions. If you have a problem with your breasts, you do not get enough milk, the child does not accept the nipple or there is any other problem and he does not feed well, you can choose many other alternatives.

However, if you and your child are in perfect condition in the first months of life, you should only feed them with your milk.

Breast milk contains antibodies and gives the baby the necessary defenses to protect it from pathogens. It is rich in fats, carbohydrates, proteins, minerals, vitamins, hormones, and digestive enzymes.

It is composed of mostly water, so the newborn will not need to drink water as long as it is breastfeeding during this period.

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