20 Names Of Aztec Origin And Their Meaning

Do you have Mexican roots? You may want to give your baby one of the names of Aztec origin that we present below.
20 names of Aztec origin and their meaning

Nahuatl is the indigenous language with the largest number of speakers in Mexico; Approximately two million people know and use this language today. It is a language that hides a great history and tradition and that, in addition, is closely linked with nature. In fact, most of the proper names of Aztec origin refer to animals, plants, celestial bodies, natural phenomena, etc.

Do you want to know some of these names? Pay attention to the list that we present below. This may be especially of interest to you if you live in Mexico or have Mexican roots and want your child to be forever linked to this wonderful culture.

20 names of Aztec origin and their meaning

In the following lines we expose 20 names of Aztec origin for babies, divided into two groups: 10 for girls and 10 for boys. Grab a pencil and paper and take notes!

Happy baby with a name of Aztec origin.

Aztec-inspired names for girls

  1. Auachtli : this beautiful name of Aztec origin literally means ‘dew’.
  2. Ameyal : it is a name that in the Nahuatl language means ‘spring water’. Another variant of this name is Ameyalli.
  3. Aquetzalli : This feminine name refers to ‘crystal clear and precious water’.
  4. Citlali : it is the Nahuatl way of saying ‘star’. It can also be seen written as CitlalĂ­, Citlalin or Xitlali.
  5. Donaji : means ‘great soul’ and honors a princess from Aztec mythology with the same name.
  6. Izel : it is a name of Mexican origin whose meaning is ‘unique’.
  7. Malli : it is an unusual name, but with a very beautiful meaning, as it refers to the ‘flower of the garden’.
  8. Metztli : this is how the goddess of women and the moon is called in Mexican mythology. Other variants of this name are Meztli, Metzti, Metzi.
  9. Nelli : it is a name of Aztec origin that means ‘truth’.
  10. Xanat : it is a very sweet and special name, as its literal meaning is ‘vanilla flower’, a spice much adored by the Aztecs for its many beneficial health properties.

Aztec-inspired names for boys

  1. Atl : it is a masculine name of Aztec origin that in the Nahuatl language means ‘water’.
  2. Cuauhtzin : it is a name that in the Nahuatl language means ‘venerable eagle’, an animal of great importance to Mexican culture.
  3. Ehécatl : by this name the god of the wind is known in the Aztec culture.
  4. Iztacoyotl : refers to the ‘white coyote’, an animal revered by the Aztecs.
  5. Itzmin : is the Nahuatl way of saying ‘thunder’.
  6. Mixtli : in Spanish it can be translated as ‘cloud’.
  7. Ollin : in Nahuatl it literally means ‘movement’ or ‘perpetual motion’.
  8. Painalli : according to Mexican mythology the Painanis were emissaries of the god Painal, hence the origin of this name, whose meaning is ‘messenger’, ‘the one with quick feet’ or ‘speedy runner’.
  9. Tlaneci : it is a name of Aztec origin whose meaning is ‘dawn’.
  10. Yoali : with this name the ‘night’ is called in the Nahuatl language. It can also be seen written as Yoalli.

Why choose Aztec baby names?

There are many reasons to be proud of having Mexican roots and one way to make this pride visible is by giving a future baby a name of Aztec origin, which represents the culture, history and tradition of Mexico. Thus, the little one will remain rooted in his town from the moment of his birth and will know where he comes from.

Newborn baby.

Likewise, another of the compelling reasons to give a newborn a name in the Nahuatl language is that said language literally means ‘a language with a clear or pleasant sound’, as are its own names, which, in addition, transmit freshness and originality.

And you, have you already chosen a name for your baby? Do you dare to choose any of the names of Aztec origin that we show you on the list?

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